Blog Articles by Month: May 2005


About a week ago, I picked up something in my travels on the net.  Not the kind of thing you want to pick up, like the winning lottery numbers, the email address of an old friend or the meaning of life found on an obscure website from outer Mongolia (do they have internet access in…

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It’s Here

Part of me wonders if I got this blog just so I can relentlessly and obsessively share the pictures from my new digital camera with the ENTIRE WORLD. I love technology.

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What am I doing?

I’ve been thinking about a blog for some time, but – uncharacteristically – wasn’t sure I had much to say. Or maybe it was the public nature of it all. A blog was very “Look At Me!”, wasn’t it? Then I remembered that although I may be shy, I’ve never been bashful about expressing my…

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