Blog Articles by Month: December 2005

New Year’s Non-Resolution

I’ve been thinking a lot about New Year’s lately – how can you not? It’s everywhere: every form of media doing “best of the year” stories and “what’s your resolutions” interviews, restaurants trying to entice you in with three-course meals “and champagne at midnight!”. I find myself reflexively assessing the past year for things that…

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Hopped Up on Christmas Cheer

Yes, I’m still shirking my posting duties… gettin’ by with minimal… revelling in being lazy. And calling it all “sharing”. Herewith some images from Christmas Eve. One of the pair of angels that used to belong to my farmor (father’s mother). Only used once a year. The singing. In Danish. Honestly, it’s not as hard…

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TinkMama Speaks

For those of you who don’t obsessively check the comment box (like I might do… sometimes… not all the time… just… er… nevermind), my darling sister left a lovely comment for all of you on Friday. Thought I’d get out of posting today (still enjoying the holidays way too much to really get into blogging),…

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Fucking with Tradition

My mother makes magic. I don’t know how she does it, but there is one guaranteed perfect evening a year in my life and that’s the 24th of December. I can be stressed out or tired or sick, unable to quite locate the spirit of Christmas and the minute I step into my mother’s home,…

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Winter Solstice

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December Happies

It’s that time of year. The time dominated by an impending holiday to celebrate peace, love and understanding. The time where preparing for said holiday tends to make us anything but peaceful, as we rush around in the snow and in crowded malls to get ready for the Big Day. Did you just groan? Did…

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Playing Hooky

This was how last night looked. I’m taking a snowday, playing hooky, being irresponsible and in general doing nothing today. Have a fantabulous weekend – I’ll see you Monday(ish).

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Terrible Beauty

Stephanie’s launch last week was held at the Textile Museum of Canada and they had kindly opened the exhibits for wandering after the Harlot spoke. Sam grabbed me and told me I must see “the bug room”, so off we went to see what turned out to be an installation by Jennifer Angus called Terrible…

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Lists and Lists and It

I went to the launch of the Harlot’s new book on Wednesday and had a grand time. Who knew a group of knitters could be that much fun? Well, I did, actually, but for the non-knitters among you, trust me: if you want to hang with people who make you laugh like an idiot, go…

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All of the Other Reindeer

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All Tinks, All the Time

Thank you so much for all your comments and congratulations. We’re overwhelmed with the love coming the Tinks’ way from all over the world. And speaking of love… I knew I fell madly in love with my niece and nephew the first time I saw the raisin-sized shapes on my television. What has taken me…

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Dear Liam & Morgan, Tuesday, November 29, 2005 was a rainy day. The sky was covered in clouds, shades of grey ranging from pearl to light charcoal. It was raining most of the day, but warm enough that if you’re of Viking/East Coast heritage, you could go out with just a light jacket. Normally on…

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