Blog Articles by Month: March 2006

Reality Shows

Note to all TV snobs: this post contains material pertaining exclusively to reality shows. To protect your tender sensibilities, may I recommend that you click on your way, have a fantastic weekend and I’ll see you on Monday. Still here? Alright, here we go. Last winter, I watched a lot of TV and movies. Most…

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Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde. A 3-week period, four times a year, during which… well, it’s an astrological thing. During the time of the murky retrograde, things relating to communication and technology can experience problems. Or so they say, the astrologers. I never believed it, because astrology is not a science, it’s utterly flaky and smart, rational people…

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By Popular Demand

It’d be cruel to make The Tink Freaks(tm) wait until next week, so here are the latest (taken by one of the TDT – that’s Tink Delivery Team – members). Please note that the very snazzy sweater/hat sets were made by mormor. During the knitting, I received countless calls from the woman complaining about how…

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Tink Alert

This is for the Tink Freaks out there. John’s employer is doing a radiothon for McMaster Children Hospital today and the Tinks (and the TDT) will be interviewed. On K-LITE 102.9FM sometime between 10:30am and noon and sometime after 12:30pm on CHAM 820AM (you can listen via the sites). I was going to add the…

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What I Did On My Winter Vacation

I had a mostly lovely week off, with only a smattering of things that pissed me off (more about one of ‘em later). Space to think, space to rest, all kinds of time to get perspective. Or try to get perspective. I learned, among other things, that I have to take more time off and…

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The view from my window earlier this week, when the weather changed from early spring back to winter.

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Technical Difficulties

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been going around saying “I need a vacation” and bitching about how when you don’t work for pay or work for someone else, you don’t get time off and dear GAWD, running your life makes you understand a little what Sisyphus went through. Then, sometime this past weekend,…

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Normally I try to make this blog a positive space – not just as a way to help me practise living in a new way, but let’s face it, I’m not writing these posts to get comments of the type “oh, you’re soooo brave, you have the courage to [insert everyday thing that’s apparently only…

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You can find everything at the Antique Market in my neighbourhood.

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The Historian

In the past couple weeks, I have been doing mini-raves of The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova and planned to write a post about it as soon as I finished reading the book. After a month’s reading, I’ve only just finished – I had to read a couple of short stories and a funny mystery in…

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