
Tinks Appearance & Misc Update

For the Tink Freaks™ (we so need t-shirts) out there: TinkPapa will be volunteering this Sunday (May 7) as part of the CHTV telethon to raise money for the McMaster Children’s Hospital. TinkMama and the Tinks will be making an appearance, as well, so the whole family can tell their story. John’s on air between 5-7pm and the Tinks should be making their television debut probably 5ish. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure CHTV only covers Southern Ontario, so any Tink Freaks outside that area are… well, we’ll tell you all about it.

And to file under ‘Sometimes, Good Things Happen’:

A new friend was having surgery this week and all signs indicated the Big Bad, but it was nothing but good. An appointment I’d dreaded wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I did manage to injure my knee and the new chair is… let’s just say it’s earning its moniker of Torture Device. However! The old chair’s fixed, it was a simple thing, only cost $95 and it’s coming home to mama tomorrow and there’s an appointment next week to get back on track making the new one useable. One more thing this week to angst about (vet visit Friday), but hopefully, it’ll follow the trend (knock wood and pretty please)

I think maybe the universe has decided to ease up and if Nemesis is reading this, please note that I said ‘think’. Nothing definite, no arrogance, just gratefulness for the breaks.

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