Blog Articles by Month: August 2006

Shameless Self-Promotion (and Tinks)

Today is my birthday and blogging will be light, due to… Well. It’s my birthday and I intend to do very little but eat yummy things and receive phonecalls from people singing birthday songs in various languages. The festivities started yesterday, with a family party at mor’s. Love the background action behind the birthday cake…

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Old and New

To be filed in the ‘oops, I did it again’ category: on Monday, almost immediately after publicly stating that things might be getting better, I re-injured myself (must’ve forgotten to knock wood). As the majority of my brain has been busy dealing with pain and/or been heavily medicated, I’ve been thinking of very little and…

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Red Lily

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Summer Obsession Update

I believe that I may be – knock wood – slowly emerging out from under last week’s Cloud o’ Calamity. Last Monday’s injury was only the beginning of the deluge (thank you very much for your good wishes), but after this weekend, I have some hope of things starting to turn around (knock wood –…

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Better Living Through Chemistry

I hurt myself on Monday. Quite badly. How doesn’t matter, the real issue is that there has been some pain involved (if by ‘some’ you mean ‘a whole lot’). However, the point of today’s post is not whingeing on about the pain, it’s about an experience directly resulting from the pain. To be specific, it’s…

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Nature Wins Again

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Cultural Pursuits

A long time ago, I decide to acquire a cultural veneer. Not actually become cultured, you understand – that might be too much work and then there’s the possibility of becoming insufferable and pompous. No, as far as I was concerned, a thin layer of culture which could be donned at required moments would be…

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Robin’s Clock

If you want to be technical, this is actually St. Lawrence Hall, but for one brief moment, it was Robin’s clock… (late note: the mystery of who Robin is and why this is his clock is infinitely more entertaining than the truth, so I’ll let it remain a mystery)

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The Earth Didn’t Move

Good horror is like good sex. It involves the element of surprise and being taken out of your head into the land of purely visceral response. Added to that should be a nicely escalating excitement, interspersed with lulls in the action to take the edge off, which makes it even more intense when things get…

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Whipped Cream

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