Blog Articles by Month: March 2007

Look What I Found

For mor, because it’s her birthday on Sunday.

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Red Door

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My Sister’s Keeper

For the past week, I have been completely lost in My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult. The book has been in my library for a couple of years – I remember hearing good things about it at the time, but the subject matter intimidated me. However, when I finished a book last week and was…

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Happy Spring

And a very happy birthday to Janne/TinkMama – our family’s Spring “baby”.

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It’s been a bit of a week. Between being very determined not to think for a while while waiting for the Humira to start working, having trouble reactivating the brain – DST is so kicking my arse – the wheelchair doing that interesting thing again with the spinning around in the middle of the sidewalk…

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Coffee Shop Lamp

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The Power of One

A long time ago, I put Ken in charge of my opinions. For a while, I found it incredibly amusing to whenever someone asked me a question, look at him and say “what do I think about that?”. Yes, yes, I can see all of you rolling around on the floor laughing right now –…

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Wake Me Later

Daylight Savings Time started yesterday, three weeks earlier than normal and I don’t like it. Aside from the fact that if you do something twice, it’s tradition and you don’t fuck with tradition, I have a spring ritual. The year goes something like that’s: after the festivities of Christmas, you slog yourself through a cold,…

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Come In

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I am better than I was – and quite sure that your kind words and wishes have a lot to do with that – really, you could bottle it and make a mint! However, I have decided to make this a low-profile week while improvement (hopefully) continues. Words will return when my energy levels increase.

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Nice Package

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Damned Disease

I’ve been in pain lately. Well, there’s always some, but we’re talking a different kind, a different quality of it. Quite loud. Pervasive. Distracting. There is too much pressure everywhere. Sitting quietly, not moving hurts. On the other hand, moving hurts, too, maybe even more than sitting still and not moving. Lying down hurts. Only…

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