Blog Articles by Month: March 2008

Sing It Loud

Remember the TV show Ally McBeal? Years ago, my sister and I would get together once a week for our female bonding evening. During the week, I would tape various “chick shows” and we’d settle in front of the TV with something yummy to eat – although we paid lip service to a proper dinner,…

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When your life seems full of chaos and disaster, sometimes all it takes is one moment to bring you out of it.

Calamity Jane Not So Calamitous: My Ongoing Biologics Miracle

Updated May 5, 2021 When your life seems out-of-control, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and every day disasters combining to create chaos, sometimes all it takes is one moment to bring you out of it. A brief synopsis: it started with my phone crapping out, bringing with it a sort of domino effect of calamities worthy of…

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35 Years Later

Today is my darling sister’s 35th birthday. Here we are in 1973, before Janne had a name (it only took 11 months for my parents to agree on one). Janne’s the one with no hair. (photo by Jens Bloch) And here I am with her daughter Morgan (alas, Liam’s too solid for this). The emotional…

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The Quest for Silence

I just came back from my doctor’s office. Well, not right this very minute, as this post was started yesterday by the time you read this, but before I befuddle myself utterly, I’ll move on, without getting lost in some sort of time travelling experiment. The clinic used to be a peaceful place to sit…

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Absence and Presence

I was thinking of my father the other day when I couldn’t speak and was trying to get someone’s attention. Just around the time I was born, he had something going on with his vocal cords (nodules?), had an operation and was never able to yell after that. When he was in another area of…

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It Sneaks Up On You

It was the phone that started it all and in more than one way. In the middle of last week, my phone crapped out. The jack for the headset plug started emitting screeching feedback noises that threatened to burst the eardrums of whoever I was talking to, so I switched to speakerphone (can’t hold the…

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Thoughts of Pioneers. And More Snow.

As may have become apparent (from all the whining?), Southern Ontario has been having the winter from hell and yes, this again, because as I may have mentioned, there’s nothing else to do or think about! Anyway, a lot of other areas have also been hit hard (or harder), but as I live in southern…

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Make My Day. Again.

My life these days goes something like this: *Day 1: significant snowfall, day spent inside.Day 2: roads and sidewalks eating cleared, snow piled up by curb cuts, unable to leave house.Day 3: run around stocking up on groceries and in general preparing forDay 4: significant snowfall, day spent inside.Repeat from* Today is a day 3,…

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Remember This?

I know. Neither do I.

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After I’d finished Duma Key, I went hunting for reviews to see what other people thought of it and made my way over to the New York Times. There, I found a review by James Campbell – no! Don’t click on that link! Not yet, finish reading this post first. Trust me – there’s a…

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