Blog Articles by Month: June 2008

Weekend Highlights & Winner

And speaking of surprising and unexpected, this weekend was surprisingly and unexpectedly spent sitting fairly still and ingesting copious amounts of drugs, as my shoulders went kablooey on Friday. It wasn’t even because I did too much and then could sit here and alternate between laughing at myself and (hopefully) chanting ‘it was worth it’….

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One Contest & Another

Have you ever seen The Cooler? It’s a very good movie, with wonderful performances by William H. Macy and Maria Bello and a stunning performance by Alec Baldwin. It’s about a guy (Macy) who is not just a bad gambler, but is so atrocious at it that it transcends merely bad luck and becomes part…

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A Walking Paper

Dear Ambulatory and Ablebodied Public At Large, Hi. Um… hello? Down here. No, not there, here in the wheelchair. Yeah, that’s it – hi there! Can I have your attention for a minute? Thanks much. As summer arrives in Toronto, so do the tourists and after a few weeks of navigating the meandering throngs, I’ve…

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A Conversation with Richard Cohen

My latest post for HealthCentral: “Three weeks ago, I reviewed Strong at the Broken Places: Voices of Illness, A Chorus of Hope by Richard Cohen and I recently had the opportunity to speak to him about the book.” You can read the interview here.

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Cloud Cover

I don’t like mushrooms. Never have. A more accurate statement might be that I loathe the wee bastards. Don’t like the taste, hate the texture, can’t stand the smell when they’re cooking. And yet, in the past 3 weeks or so, I’ve craved them. Craved. The vaguest mention of the word ‘mushroom’ captures my attention,…

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Was Here

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Wall & Bike Tires

Remember my elbow? It still hasn’t quite healed and is currently aggravated. Even better, my left elbow is thisclose to the same performance. I’m therefore sitting still, applying ice, taking many, many drugs and keeping away from the computer as much as possible (and twitching because of it). As a result, this week will be…

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Come Sit A Spell

One of the best places to sit and read a good book in my neighborhood. And speaking of reading, a while ago, I got tagged by Barbara from Nova Scotia in the book challenge. I’ve been sitting on it for a while, because although I do read books, I only read audio books and it’s…

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Power Games

A late note: some of you are having problems viewing the blog in Internet Explorer, having to scroll down to see the post. After noodling around with HTML and invoking the Tech God, my best guess is that the problem should be fixed if you update to IE 7. If that doesn’t help, let me…

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Rainy Day Iris

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In the Weeds

I have a pretty small purse. It’s got room for a pen, a small notebook, my Epipen, the collapsible stick I use to push elevator buttons and a few other doodads. It’s got a wallet attached at the front for bills, coins and the plethora of cards handed out everywhere (why does every store need…

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Strong at the Broken Places

My June post is up at HealthCentral: “‘These are faces of illness in America. Do not look away.’ – Richard Cohen, Strong at the Broken Places My first post on HealthCentral was a rant about a poorly-worded review of Strong at the Broken Places: Five Voices of Illness, a Chorus of Hope by Richard Cohen….

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