Blog Articles by Month: July 2008

In Which I Decide to Make New Mistakes

Sometimes, it is necessary for the universe to give you hints of such magnitude and frequency that even someone like me hears it. The combination of holding forth at HealthCentral about giving it a rest when you need to, being called on not practicing what I preach, having less pain when I sit still (who’d…

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Oops, I Did It Again

As Carrie pointed out in a comment to my last post, I may know the theory of listening to your body, but am occasionally somewhat slow to learn the practice. It happened again. Out of the blue last Tuesday – well, maybe not completely out of the blue, as I’ve been somewhat busy – my…

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A Beginner’s Guide to Living with RA

My latest post for HealthCentral: “‘You have rheumatoid arthritis,’ your doctor says. Now what? Being diagnosed with a chronic illness can be a relief because finally, you know what’s wrong. It’s also scary and overwhelming – a new lifelong companion has been found, one you didn’t invite and don’t want.” You can read the rest…

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The Table

I don’t remember a time when the dining room table wasn’t there. It is made of solid oak, standing firm on two solid legs, a bridge between them. The grain of the wood is cut in swooping curves inviting the hand into a caress flowing from top to bottom and down over the softly carved…

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Hydrangea Leaf

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Hand of Water

This one happened on its own – no human manipulation of waterdrop involved.

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Not too long ago, I had a nice little rant about pedestrians and their walking incompetence, in which I did not include pedestrians while they are behind the wheel of a car. Because then I would never have stopped writing. Suffice to say that the amount of moronity (is too word) displayed in walking is…

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Adios Mi Amiga

Earlier this week, Dave the Wonder Repair Guy came to do some repairs on my wheelchair. While he was here, I asked him to take my old wheelchair back to the shop, where they could take the parts they could use and leave the rest for scrap. It’s been standing unused in my storage room…

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The Three Rs

Nope, that’s not reading. ‘riting and ‘rithmetic, but reduce, reuse, recycle. Pardon me while I get on a soapbox. A few weeks ago, I was at a meeting of the local Neighborhood Association (I am the rep for my building) and one of items on the agenda was a presentation by the city’s Solid Waste…

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Wooden Guy

Found this one at the fleamarket. Alternate title: Sorta Creepy.

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Dead from the Waist Down

The other day, I meandered into the clinic for my shot and had a chat with one of the nurses. Specifically, I had a chat regarding the examination tables in the clinic. Not that they are any different than examination clinic in any other doctor’s office or hospital in the city. In fact, I didn’t…

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