Blog Articles by Month: October 2008

Happy Hallowe’en!

Posted with AB’s permission.  

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I think I’m getting old. It could be argued that turning 46 years old might’ve been my first clue that I wasn’t knee-high to a grasshopper anymore, but I always thought that when I was in my mid-40s, I’d feel adult and mature and as that feeling has yet to settle in, I’m pretty sure…

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Home Again

You don’t have to read this blog for long to see that I have a thing about the ocean. It’s more than merely a ‘thing’, though. Growing up surrounded by the sea and all that comes with it – the smell of wet sand, the wind, the sound of waves and the scent of salt…

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Winner & The Postcard Project

A short post today – I’m running off and spend every minute I can with AB before her flight leaves. First, the winner of Monday’s contest. It could be argued that Michele’s entry required a win for here lovely description of our friendship. However, that sort of smacks of cheating, especially considering the random choice…

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A Friendly Contest

I don’t remember becoming friends with AB, just being friends with her. When I entered grade 1, I didn’t know her and her name was Anne Birthe. And soon after, all I remember is her being AB and my best friend. AB, though, remembers making friends with me. In Denmark, there is a tradition on…

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Book Review: Hominids: The Neanderthal Parallax

What if there were parallel universes? What if in one of those universes, Homo Sapiens became extinct and Homo Neanderthalensis lived on to create a complex civilization? What if one of those Neanderthals came through to our universe? This is the central idea in the Hugo Award winning Hominids: The Neanderthal Parallax by Canadian author…

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A Beginner’s Guide to RA: Friends & Family

My latest post on HealthCentral talks about the impact RA can have on the relationships in your life: “I’m not going to lie to you: having a chronic disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis can be hard on relationships. Your friends and extended family — partners and children will get their own Beginner’s Guide — have to…

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Mushroom Studio

The latest exhibit in the Sculpture Garden. Beyond great. You can read the Artist Statement here.

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Happy Turkey Day!

Today’s the day Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. Well, it all depends on your perspective – if you’re a turkey, I guess you’d spend the day mourning the annual mass slaughter of your fellow fowl. However! As I’m pretty sure no turkeys read this blog, I’ll stick to the former interpretation. When I first moved to Canada…

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And Then I Sneezed for 20 Minutes

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I had a plan. I was going to start this post with a pithy and pertinent quote, which should be easy to find in Google. Should be a matter of mere minutes until I hit the right link and then we’d be off. Except I have now spent way more time than is reasonable trying…

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Just. Fabulous.

According to the astrologer in my local paper, Mercury retrograde means “[it’s time to improve and revise your plans, strategies and dreams.” I’ve noticed they do that now, put a nice spin on what used to be described as a three-week episode of holy hell going on in the spheres of communication and technology. Not…

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