
You’re All Invited

An Exhibit of Photographs
From a Wheelchair Perspective

Yorkville Public Library
22 Yorkville Avenue (Yonge & Bloor)
October 5-31, 2009

This was supposed to happen in December, but on Wednesday night (September 30 and the reason I’m mentioning the date is coming up in a second) they called me and said renovations have been scheduled for December, so how would I feel about October instead?

More that a little panicked, actually.

Pulling this exhibit together in four days was a team effort and I would like to publicly shower appreciation on the following people (in alphabetical order):

Mor (whose first name is Birthe, so it is too alphabetical) for all the conversations we’ve had over the years about art – her paintings and my photos (and other people’s art) – and for the conversations we’ve had over the past week about the particulars of the show.

David (a.k.a. DavidG) for saying “just tell me what you need,” doing what I needed, thinking of several things that hadn’t occurred to me, keeping me laughing and in general being the perfect boyfriend (or whatever they’re called when you’re a grown-up and by the way, yes, you read right. I’ve tried to find a elegant and dignified way of mentioning it, but it’s one thing to tell the people in your off-line life, a bit more difficult to phrase it when telling The Blog that you’re no longer unattached. So blog… meet David)

Dawn for without hesitation offering her van for transportation even though she’s buried under a mountain of papers and exams that need to be graded.

Janet for instantly accepting being volunteered to help her brother’s girlfriend who she’s only met once.

Janne/TinkMama for taking a great photo for my bio.

Michele for listening to me plan out loud repeatedly and ad nauseam over the past four days, for running around all over the east end of Toronto and beyond picking up frames and for donating what was to be a relaxing Sunday of regenerating after a hard week to helping David and I frame photos.

Last Wednesday’s phone call also served as a motivator to get off my arse and get next year’s calendar and cards for the upcoming season finished – they are, so check out The Shop (no photos of dusty items this time! However, the small poster is experiencing technical difficulties, hopefully solved soon by CafePress so I can put a different photo on it).

And to celebrate this – my first exhibit, getting through the last four days relatively sane – it seems a good idea to have a contest. Leave a comment, any comment (feel free to suggest charming alternatives to the word boy/girlfriend), anytime before Thursday at 6 PM Toronto time. Winners will be selected fairly randomly with a clever method I haven’t figured out yet – the first name will win a 2010 The Seated View calendar and the second name an 8 x 10 print of any photo in my Flickr account.

And now I’m going to collapse, heal my shoulder, shut up so the lurking stress-laryngitis can abate and be vacant for a couple of days.