I’ve been coveting lately. More specifically, I have been lusting after an iPhone. I don’t know why this has suddenly come over me – they’ve been around for what, 4 years? and I’ve never had the urge to have one before, but now, it’s preying on my mind. I want one, in much the same way a pregnant woman craves pickles and ice cream at 3 AM. As illogically and undeniable an urge, one that I have been trying to combat for a good three weeks. Hence, I have compiled a list of pros and cons. To whit:
I could play Angry Birds every day!
I would play Angry Birds every day. To the point of injury.
It’s a really cool phone.
That I can’t hold to my ear
It comes with a speaker!
I primarily use my cellphone as a watch and really only for outgoing calls. Once or twice a week.
I keep seeing things when I’m out and about that I want to tweet
I don’t have the manual dexterity to text/type from a cell phone. That’s why I’ve never texted
but it’s touchscreen!
I’ve tried an iPad. The touch thing doesn’t really work for me due to deformities in my fingers.
My golden rule is that when I’m out, I don’t want to be connected or reachable. It’s downtime, there are boundaries.
Dragon v.11.5 is available as a free update soon. It’ll make the iPhone work as a wireless mic!
You probably wouldn’t be able to hold the phone in the required position. And remember: boundaries. I don’t want to be able to work everywhere. Because I would work everywhere.
it comes with a really decent camera (switching tacks now – surefire sign of starting to lose the argument)
start carrying your camera everywhere you go (internal voice now shifted to Super Ego, as Id has completely taken over the Pro argument)
the iPhone has really cool camera apps that I want to try. Like Instagram
You probably wouldn’t be able to hold the phone to take photos
Pro (sort of)
Ken has an iPhone. I could ask him if I could fondle it next time I see him
Messing around with apps and photos would mean bending your neck to look down. You know the world of hurt that’d get you. And it’d be hard on your shoulders, too.
Ken has an iPhone. I could ask him if I could try it next time I see him
Spending too long on The Boy’s iPad hurts your neck and shoulders. Now imagine a much smaller surface
But I want
Have you seen the price of that thing? You could get a really cool camera for that. And you’ve been lusting for a camera longer
hmmm…. you have a point