Walking in Sunshine
The weather’s been gorgeous here in Toronto, heralding a very early Spring. Not too long ago I meandered out in the sunshine with my camera to see how far we’d come.
The crocus (croci?) are out
As did these white beauties that I have no idea what are
Wildlife was abundant, too
I love purple
And this hedge on the street right outside my window is the first sign of true Spring. It popped on Sunday, a full month ahead of normal. I’m loving this weather, but it’s a bit unnerving
Beautiful photos!!
K8 =]
Lovely photos. I love purple too. I find this early spring (I'm in Hamilton) somewhat unsettling. I want a bit more time to hibernate before I feel obligated to go out and face the world more with all the complications of scooter -in- my- car life. One thing that could be added to the 'warnings of what not to say' is 'you should be outside. It's gorgeous'.
Seeing these signs of spring reminded me of a park I drove by last week. The field was so filled with crocuses/croci
that it looked like a giant had scattered those multi-coloured, hard-shelled Easter eggs.
This is truly “eye-candy”!
Those beautiful white flowers are helebores. Thank you for the lovely pictures.
croak-its, croquettes, c(r)oquettes, they bring out the poet in me
lovely light in all of them