
A HealthCentral Collection

It’s been really busy around here lately, so I haven’t had time to give you links to my recent HealthCentral articles. Therefore, you get three for the price of one! May is Arthritis Awareness Monthly in the US and we therefore have a lot of things on the go on HealthCentral’s RA site.

First, and most importantly, our spectacular, wonderful, fabulous RA Awareness Contest! This runs through the month of May – deadline for entering is May 31 11:59 PM ET. It has some pretty terrific prizes – three Visa cards  ($275, $150 and $75) that you can spend a medication, chocolate, books or whatever heals you the most at that moment. Not only can you win a prize, but this contest also has real potential for changing the world! Each entry is an idea for building bridges and raising awareness about RA. We hope that at the end of the month, we will have a long list of doable, practical ways of taking action to create community and raise awareness.

The second post is Awareness and Action with The Arthritis Foundation. It includes an interview with Dr. Patience White, VP of Public Help for The Arthritis Foundation, as well an interview with the mother of this year’s Arthritis Walk Youth Honorees. The honorees are Amelia and Liberty Shultz, who both have RA. And they are four and two and a half years old. This article also includes information about some pretty exciting initiatives the Foundation is launching this month.

My most recent post is Show Us Your Hands!: A Story of Hope and Community. In it, I interview RA Guy, Cathy and myself about SUYH and our recent photo book Our Hands Can! Yes, I interviewed myself. It was a little weird.


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