
Winner – Chronic Resilience Giveaway

Thanks so much to everyone who entered the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of  Chronic Resilience: 10 Sanity-Saving Strategies for Women Coping with the Stress of Illness by Danea Horn. All of you wrote beautiful, thoughtful replies that I am sure will be helpful for those who are new to the disease and still feeling lost.

I asked The Boy’s boy to choose the winner by selecting a number from 1 to 18. He liked the number 9, which means comment #9 is the winner! Congratulations to Cris Peacock (from Maui!), who wrote

“My greatest gift has been learning to truly enjoy my family. LIfe is too short. With my daughter and family 5,000 miles away and my son 2,500, I treasure the time I spend with them. No worries about appearances or expectations, only admiring and experiencing the amazing people they are.”

Congratulations, Cris! Contact me at landers5ATgmailDOTcom so we can make arrangements to send the book to you!

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