
Arthritis and Employment: Show Us Your Hands!


  1. Annette on October 1, 2013 at 4:22 am

    Who better than Show Us Your Hands to work on ways for an organization to carry on while considering the health of its' members? You're giving such good advice for employers and employees to follow.

    We could all take note of your good advice. Who's harder on you than yourself?. If someone else had not shut off my merry-go-round I'd still be working 40 hour weeks with a long commute.

    Now I've created a new hamster wheel for myself, but at least it is again all mine. Maybe I should find a smaller wheel? 🙂

  2. Stephen in FL on October 30, 2013 at 5:40 pm

    I created an info graphic earlier this year for Arthritis Awareness month where I included a reference to Show Us Your Hands. However, I wanted to learn a lot more about this organization, and I definitely liked getting a more intimate look from this post. Please keep up the great work!