
Interview on RheumaBlog

I’ve known Wren for years. She calls her RA the Dragon and she writes like a dream. Reading her posts on RheumaBlog always makes me feel centered and as if I’ve learned something new. And today, she hosts a Q&A with me about My background, life with RA, depression and oh yeah, a few questions about a number of different topics in addition to Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tools for Managing Treatment, Side Effects and Pain.

Here’s an excerpt:

“Wren: You’re a vocal advocate for accessible design. Was there any one situation that prompted you to speak out?

Lene: I started using a wheelchair when I was 16 and very quickly became aware of the extra planning and additional steps involved when you travel seated. There was a difference, though, between being aware of barriers and the feeling you get when you experience discrimination. I remember flying somewhere in my early twenties, using a particular airline for the first time. I’d flown several times before, but this was the first time an airline required a letter from my doctor stating it was OK for me to travel. Needing a doctor’s note to go on vacation just because I used a wheelchair was my first experience of discrimination. No one else needed a doctor’s note. Young as I was, I still knew it was wrong that a disabled person had to provide documentation, but someone else with an invisible illness, such as a heart condition, didn’t. Years later, I worked in human rights and became much more familiar with the laws against such treatment. Combining my personal experience with discrimination with my knowledge of legal rights was a very empowering experience.”

Hop on over to RheumaBlog to read the rest. And make sure you bookmark the site – you won’t regret it!

It was a pleasure and a privilege. Thanks for having me, Leslie!

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