
How Creativity Can Help You Cope

I was really excited when I was approached by Mango Health and they asked if I’d write some articles for them. Mango Health has created an app that helps you remember when to take your medication, and remind you of when renewals of your prescriptions are due (available in the US). Super helpful. They also have a blog with lots of informative articles about living with chronic illness. And that’s where I’m going to be appearing once a month through May. My first article is live now.

“I am obsessed with light and water. These elements may be a natural part of everyday life, but I find myself continuously fixated on them, particularly when taking photographs: I have approximately a gazillion photos on my hard drive, and 67.4 percent contain images of light, water, and often, light upon water.

Photography is my escape from stress and the chronic pain of rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. If the weather’s even halfway decent, I head outside, with my camera tucked into the corner of my wheelchair. Roaming my neighborhood and venturing further afield in Toronto, I disappear into the quest for capturing the beauty of this world.”

You can read the rest of this post on the Mango Health blog

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