
How to Nurture Self-Worth When You’re Not Working Because of a Chronic Illness

Work is an important — even essential — contributor to self-worth. But what do you do if you cannot work because of a chronic illness or disability? I take a look at this issue and share tips on building self-esteem without work in my new post for HealthCentral:

“‘What do you do?’

It is often one of the first questions we ask of someone we haven’t met before, part of categorizing each other and finding common ground. What we do is an integral part of our identity and how we assess our own worth and, let’s face it, the worth of others. It is not just what we are, it is who we are.

But what if chronic illness prevents you from working? When this important part of your self-image and self-esteem is no longer there, it can have a profound impact on how you see yourself. If you don’t work, don’t contribute, don’t provide, what are you? Are you worth anything or nothing at all?

These kinds of thoughts can play havoc with your mind and soul. But work is not the only thing that gives us value — far from it.”

Read the rest of the post on self-worth when you are not working.

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