
Job Hunting and Chronic Illness

Our September theme on RAHealthCentral was all about chronic illness and work. We had a lot of great posts and some terrific conversations came out of it. I am closing out the theme with my new post on job searching with a chronic illness. I made sure to share some important information, but we also had some fun with it:

“Looking for a job is hard work. Searching for appropriate listings, researching companies, crafting your resume and cover letter to fit each position, going for interviews, and following up…It’s exhausting. And even more so when you have a chronic illness, which is often, at the very least, a part-time job of its own.

Here are the top eight things you can do to make job hunting with a chronic illness easier.”

Reed the 8 tips and have a giggle in the post on looking for a job with chronic illness.

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