Blog Articles by Day: 23 November 2016

The Gift of the Holiday Season

I am (seasonally appropriate) so grateful for the incredible support my HealthCentral family is giving me and Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness! David Mendosa of the HealthCentral Diabetes site reviewed my new book and asked some insightful questions about it: “ If you have a chronic illness that limits your activity,…

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Reasons to be Grateful for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Am I kidding? Not entirely. My new post for HealthCentral is a mostly tongue-in-cheek look at the reasons to feel grateful for RA: “I like to say that living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a dance on roses — there are plenty of thorns. It can be very difficult to see the positive when you…

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