
Chronic Christmas Giveaway on A Rheumful of Tips

Marianna a.k.a. the genius behind A Rheumful of Tips has kindly written a review of Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness:

Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness by Lene Andersen is an advent calendar-style book that is brimming with common-sense and humour, and is also infused with personal stories (and family recipes), that make for enchanting reading.

On each day leading up to Christmas, Lene covers a topic that can not only help those who live with chronic illness survive this season of merry-making, but also thrive. She takes each day further by suggesting how family and friends can assist someone with a chronic illness. If you struggle with what to do to help your friend, family member, or neighbour, this section is for you.”

As part of the post, Marianna is also hosting a giveaway for a signed paperback copy of Chronic Christmas. Hop on over to A Rheumful of Tips to read the rest of the review and enter the giveaway by Thursday, December 8, 2016.

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