Blog Articles by Month: July 2017

Photo Friday: Butterfly on Cement

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How Meditation Can Help You Cope with Chronic Illness

To cope with chronic illness, you need a variety of tools. One of these tools is meditation. In my new article for HealthCentral, I look at how meditation can help you live better with chronic illness: “Living with chronic illness is stressful. These types of conditions are often unpredictable and require a lot of changes…

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Photo Froday: Duck Not Taking to Water

Even the ducks think the high water levels are a bit much…

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In Which My Chronic Illness Blog Gets Banned by Facebook

Did you know that sexuality and chronic illness is now against Facebook’s community standards? It is alarmingly easy to get blacklisted on social media channels. And once you’re put on the watch list, it is alarmingly difficult to get off it. I have been on social media for a very long time. It started with…

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5 Ideas for Eating Well When You Don’t Have the Energy to Cook

Eating a nutritious balanced diet helps you to be healthier, especially when your chronic illness is flaring. But when your chronic illness is flaring, you don’t want to cook. It’s a vicious circle. In my new post for Mango Health, I share tips for how to eat well when you don’t feel like cooking: “Giving…

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Photo Friday: Duck, Duck, Goose

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A Duck and Some Lumberjacks: Canada 150 in Toronto

One of my favourite things about summer is Canada Day and the Redpath Waterfront Festival. And really, is there anything better than long weekends in the summer? Well, Christmas arguably, but it requires wearing more clothes. And no, I’m not tromping about naked, but there are no socks and no sweaters. Back to the Canada…

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Coping with Chronic Illness Fatigue on Facebook Live

I’m really excited to announce my first Facebook Live: a talk about chronic illness and fatigue. Well, theoretically it’s not my first Facebook live, but that last one was so marred by technical problems that it doesn’t count. Besides, this is a first for my own page. I hope you’ll join me on Thursday, July…

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