Blog Articles by Day: 19 September 2017

Michael Kuvula & CreakyJoints Team Up to Spread Awareness About RA Through Fashion

This was one of the most fun interviews I’ve done in a while. Michael Kuluva premiered his 2018 Spring/Summer Tumbler & Tipsy collection at New York Fashion Week last Wednesday. And I got to interview him and get a preview of the collection! In a video! I also talk to Seth Ginsberg of CreakyJoints, the…

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Breaking the Rules of Being a Chronic Illness Patient: Attitude, Ability and Advocacy

And… mic drop! In my new article for HealthCentral, I get the teensiest bit opinionated about how breaking the rules of being a “chronic illness patient” can actually be good for you. It includes profiles of some fantastic people who are breaking rules all over: “A diagnosis of chronic illness brings a host of new…

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