Adventures: To the Lighthouse

I grew up near in Denmark where you’re never far from the ocean. And that kind water — at least in northern climes — is the greyish greenish blue of cold water with big waves and freedom for the eye to see to the far horizon. It is a very restful.

There isn’t a lot of that in Toronto. We do have a big body of water, one I love very much, and occasionally it has big-issue waves. But it is always a set of islands in the way of my view. And even though I do love them, as well, there is nothing like water as far as the eye can see.

Which is one of the reasons I love going to the Islands, because in the on the south side, there is nothing but Lake Ontario.

Which brings me to The Spit. Also place where your eyes can get the long-range exercise. Last year, we missed the annual visit to The Ptui (as we call it, because: spit, but officially called Tommy Thompson Park). It took a while to build up strength after my extended hospital stay and it takes energy, a lot of energy, to go there.

It’s been several years now that The Boy and I have gone for very long walks on this wonderful piece of land sticking out into the lake. It’s a fantastic place to go in early spring when migrating birds stop over and are simply everywhere. Later in the summer, there is too much foliage to see birds, but then it is great opportunity to practice photographing bugs.

Every time we go, we discover something new.

Initially, we were satisfied with being able to go as far as I was able, with the awareness that no matter how far we got, we’d have to go back, as well. There is only one way out of the park and that’s the same way you got in. There are no vehicles allowed on weekends, with the exception of the park van (alas, not accessible)  that goes back and forth to the lighthouse, ferrying people who don’t quite have that range.

After a while, we became aware of said lighthouse, but 10 km — 5 in, then 5 out — was too much for me and Regan (my previous wheelchair).

This summer, I made the transition into my new chair and have regained a significant level of freedom and range. So we decided we were going to go for it.

This was the year we would try for the lighthouse. Naturally, we would document the trip, but not just in photos. It was time to put my action camera to the test and see what I could do with the footage.

We arrived on a Saturday in August, the day they hold the annual butterfly festival. And we decided to not lollygag, but rather push to the lighthouse and then wander back.

I did stop for a few photographs on the way, but mostly it was just following the road, enjoying nature and the quiet.

And we made it.

If you look closely, you can just see the lighthouse behind the trees

Seeing that much water — a real, proper water — was amazing. I could’ve stayed there for hours. But we did have to make it back in time for our ride.

We meandered back, took photos of bugs, and found ourselves walking slower and slower and s-l-o-w-e-r.

It was a long walk. In fact, it was the longest walk I have ever taken, in any of my wheelchairs. And it was amazing to reach the lighthouse, something we have talked about for years.

I hope you enjoy the video!

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  1. Badi al Zaman Nibras Bishara on November 9, 2017 at 11:56 am


  2. Rick on November 10, 2017 at 2:20 am

    A lighthouse visit is always a great adventure

  3. Rena Annette Jones on November 13, 2017 at 6:46 pm

    Great job Lene! I loved the video. I don't know if you remember me but, you helped me so much for the 5.5 years that J had an RA diagnosis until an Ependymoma tumor was found inside my spinal cord and the RA diagnosis was found to be a misdiagnosis. I wrote a page in the

  4. Rena Annette Jones on November 13, 2017 at 6:49 pm

    Show Us Your Hands book. I was the one in the photo at a nuclear research facility. I have made something for you and would like to mail it. My partner is there in Toronto now at a business meeting but I didnt

  5. Rena Annette Jones on November 13, 2017 at 6:50 pm

    Want to send it with her to drop off, as Ij wasn't sure you would be ok with that. Can you message me your address?

  6. Rena Annette Jones on November 13, 2017 at 6:53 pm

    Adventures are worth the pain. Rest and recover my friend. You are an amazing, strong woman. You are a Bad A**!!!!! 😉🤗

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