
How to Cope with a New Diagnosis

Getting a diagnosis of a chronic illness is never easy, but there are things that can help you adjust. I wrote this article for Mango Health while the blog was dormant:

“You have a chronic illness. You’ve just received the news from a doctor, likely a specialist. The name of the condition is ringing through your head and the room is spinning a little. At the same time, there’s a feeling of overwhelming relief. Most people with chronic illness experience mystery symptoms for weeks, maybe months or longer before getting answers. Having an explanation for the way you’ve been feeling takes the weight off your shoulders. Right after that comes the realization that chronic means for the rest of your life.

Advice from Someone Who’s Been There

It’s a lot to deal with. And it will continue to be a lot for a while as you adjust to all the changes that having a chronic illness brings to your everyday life. The following tips may help you in that process.”

Read about the five things that can help you adjust to life with a chronic illness on the Mango Health Blog.