
I have been nominated…

Being nominated for an award is always nice. Okay, it’s way more than nice. But to be absolutely honest, some nominations are nicer than others.

The annual WEGO Health Awards are a fantastic celebration of the way people with chronic illness advocate, motivate, and inspire through their work and lives. Nominations are made by others in the chronic illness community, followed by an endorsement period.

This year, I’ve been nominated in the Best in Show: Blog category and that’s extra thrilling to me. This blog is the centre of everything I do. It started as a way of staying emotionally honest in my journey to live with positivity and (hopefully) a bit of grace. And then, as my health improved, it became something more than that.

For the past 13 years, I have done my best to use my life-long experience with juvenile arthritis and disability to help others find a shortcut to live better with chronic illness and chronic pain. For the past 13 years, I have been committed to shining a light on life with chronic illness, pain, and disability — things that otherwise don’t often get to be part of the conversation. There has also been rants, movies, books, Tinks, and some pretty pictures

And there’s been you. Because without you, this blog is nothing. I have made friends with many of you, always appreciated your comments and our discussions, and hopefully, you’ve enjoyed it this much as I have.

I’d very much appreciate your endorsement in the WEGO Health Awards. Use the link to endorse me on the WEGO Health Awards site or click the badge below.

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