Photo Friday: Duckling Island

Is there anything as cute as a fluffy little fowl baby? Well, specifically an aquatic member of the species — most non-aquatic baby birds are not this prettiest before they get fully feathered.

Last weekend, The Boy and I went to the Toronto Islands and had several experiences that are the perfect blog fodder. There isn`t room for them all today, so I’m going to stick with the squee we experienced in the first 30 minutes or so.

When we get off the Centre Island ferry, we always pop over to Olympic Island, which is such a wonderfully quiet area. Most people congregate by the amusement park, the beaches and the manicured gardens. All of which are lovely and does some of my favourite places in this city, but Olympic Island is special. The vast expanse of the lawn dotted with large trees is so peaceful that you immediately calm down. It’s also where you may encounter more wildlife, exactly because there aren’t a lot of people.

We wandered over to the shore where there is a great view of the city and a bit down the way, found a flock of geese munching on grass and grooming. We spent some time taking photos of them, not at all noticing something really special.

But then we saw it.

A nest full of tiny fluffy ducklings.

We wanted to spend an extended time squealing like a 13-year-old girls, except we were too busy photographing the little wonders. The little highly mobile wonders.

First, most of them swam out to sit on a rock in the water, with only one having a snooze in the nest while Mama Duck was on protective duty.

I shifted my glance from the fluff balls on the rocks and saw three young ducks clambering up from the beach to the grassy area. And then looking at me.

And then the leader of the pack came closer… and closer… right up to my chair, clearly asking for something.

So I stuck my hand down, because that’s what you do when an animal looks at you like that, right? And got nipped for my efforts.

Photo by David

Photo by David

Because my fingers are not French fries.

It was the first (but not the last) big laugh of the day.

Having been emboldened by their older perhaps-siblings being a bad influence, the wee ones made for the grass, as well.

And although that didn’t get quite as close, they were not afraid at all. That shadow in the corner? That’s my sandal.

Once it became obvious that I wasn’t terribly interesting (read: I didn’t share snacks), off they went and in the process, proved that thing about the mama duck being followed by a bunch of little ducklings isn’t true. Because the little ones sprinted ahead, with her moving quickly to keep up. And then, of course, there was the straggler. Probably still sleepy from the nap.

It was a really good beginning to the day.

1 Comment

  1. Rick Phillips on August 10, 2018 at 10:04 pm

    Quack Quack

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