Photo Friday: Two if by Sea

On a recent trip to the Toronto aquarium, on Hallowe’en no less, we spent quite a bit of time on the quest for a clear turtle picture. There is one— turtle, that is — in the shark tunnel and everyone is always really excited to see it. We usually go in the evening, but because we were on vacation, could visit during the day.

The fish are more active during the day and on this occasion, we happened to be right next to the piranha tank when they had their weekly big feed (for a video of the spectacle, see the post on my Instagram account).

But this is not about piranhas. It’s about turtles. Or rather, one turtle.

So there we were in the shark tunnel (my favourite place), loitering off the moving sidewalk, cameras set to stun… erm, I mean, high burst. The turtle obliged, swimming its rounds, frequently coming back to where we were. Every time it did, both The Boy and I pointed our cameras up, and a sound like tiny machine guns came from our direction.

We have many, many photos of the turtle. Many quite blurry, a few are fairly clear.

I need a much more expensive camera in order to capture a moving subject in the dark and do so clearly.And a tripod. And lighting. And minions.


After about half an hour of this, we moved on, into the cafeteria/take a load off area where we sat down to have a snack and a drink. We could see part of the shark tank in a sidecut from our seat and glanced up occasionally.

And then we saw it.

One turtle coming from one side, another turtle coming from another side, swimming towards each other and passing. You could almost imagine them saying hello.

Two turtles. Not one. Two!

And neither of us had a camera handy.

You can just see the smirk…

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1 Comment

  1. Rick Phillips on November 11, 2018 at 10:42 pm

    The pictures are beautiful as always.

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