
65+ Ways to Hone Your Craft and Reach More People for Bloggers, Writers, and Chronic Illness Advocates

there is a brilliant and really inexpensive way to learn your craft, fine-tune your message, and reach more people. It’s BC Stack, now in its 7th year and it’s available until June 19, 2021!

If you are doing anything online, one of your goals is to be more effective and reach more people. But let’s face it: staying on top of trends and algorithms while you are producing quality content is exhausting. For those of us who live with chronic illness and limited amount of energy that means cutting corners. Sometimes really big corners, which can feel like you’re never going to accomplish your dream. But there is a brilliant and really inexpensive way to learn your craft, fine-tune your message, and reach more people.

It’s BC Stack, now in its 7th year and it’s available until June 19, 2021!

BC stands for Blogging Concentrated and the Stack refers to the annual extravaganza of resources and courses that can help you on all aspects of reaching your audience. Best of all? It’s incredibly affordable and by that, I don’t mean the kind of affordable with multiple zeros that is out of reach for most of us. No, it’s actually affordable.

This post contains an affiliate link. If you click on the link and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no cost to you. Read more on my disclosure page.

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For the grand total of $47 US, you get instant access to more than 65 different resources and offers from passionate people just like yourself. Topics include social media, and digital strategies, product promotion, honing your mindset, and so much more.

there is a brilliant and really inexpensive way to learn your craft, fine-tune your message, and reach more people. It’s BC Stack, now in its 7th year and it’s available until June 19, 2021!

Some of my favourites this year includes:

Mastering Email Marketing

Smart Passive Simple Income

Ninja Keyword Research Book

Organization and Practical Productivity for Online Entrepreneurs

The Ultimate Bloggers Bundle

As may be blatantly obvious, I feel like I need to reignite the passion and motivation for my writing and advocacy. Living through pandemic was hard and I have lost my mojo. I’m looking to this year’s BC Stack helping me find it again.

Once you buy the 2021 BC Stack, you have 60 days to sign up for the ones that interest you, but you don’t have to read and watch everything right away. Some products are downloads that you get to keep, others offer lifetime access to a course or training. You can dive into these at any time of day, anytime during the next year and beyond, learning something new every time that will hone your skills and make your life a whole lot easier.

This is my third year as a very happy customer and my second as an affiliate. If you buy this year’s BC Stack, I receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Not only do you get the tools you need to build your audience, your knowledge base, or your business, but doing so also helps me keep the lights on and Lucy the Wondercat fed.

The total value of everything offered is more than $12,000, but you don’t have to sign up for every course. Pick what’s relevant and looks interesting — whether it’s a handful or the whole shebang, you’ll get value for the money you paid.

Buy the 2021 BC Stack now!


there is a brilliant and really inexpensive way to learn your craft, fine-tune your message, and reach more people. It’s BC Stack, now in its 7th year and it’s available until June 19, 2021!   there is a brilliant and really inexpensive way to learn your craft, fine-tune your message, and reach more people. It’s BC Stack, now in its 7th year and it’s available until June 19, 2021!   there is a brilliant and really inexpensive way to learn your craft, fine-tune your message, and reach more people. It’s BC Stack, now in its 7th year and it’s available until June 19, 2021!