Blog Articles by Month: May 2022

Made With RA: Dealing With FOMO When You Have RA

It’s so hard to miss out on all the fun and important things because rheumatoid arthritis got in the way (AGAIN!). In my new column for HealthCentral, I share ways of being flexible so you can you work around the barriers: “WHENEVER I HEAR a healthy person talking about FOMO (fear of missing out), I want…

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Made With RA: Your No-Drama Guide to Virtual RA Support Groups

Your peeps are out there, you just need to hit the right keys. In this column for HealthCentral, I share tips on how to find the right rheumatoid arthritis support online: “LIVING WITH RHEUMATOID arthritis (RA) can feel very lonely. Since this condition affects just about 1% of the population, it’s rare to meet others with…

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Made With RA: Four Times in Life When RA Needs Come First

You’ve trained yourself to push through the pain and fatigue that can come with your condition. But sometimes, it’s OK to let rheumatoid arthritis (RA) be the boss. In this column for HealthCentral, I share four times when your RA should comes first: ““YOU CAN’T POUR from an empty cup.” No matter how often I enjoy…

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