
BuskerFest Birthday/Winner

Before I report on the ant infestation, it’s time for the results of the tomato contest. There were 347 tomatoes in the bowl. K came came very close closest with a guess of 238 and also called me Fairy Princess – that alone deserves a reward! Congratulations, K! Check out my Flickr page and/or the photos on the blog in the past year (I’m so far behind…) and let me know which photo you want at landers5ATgmailDOTcom. NB Friday evening: Colleen left a message suggesting Rose might be the winner instead of K. I’ve looked through the comments an extra 3 times now and there’s no Rose. If I’m stupendously oblivious and Rose did leave a better guess, then please email me, as well. Only thing better than giving out a print is giving out 2! Two hours later: Thanks to Trevor, I have now figured out my #$%^! comment system. Rose is indeed the winner – only 12 from the actual total. Congratulations, Rose! Follow the above directions and Ms.Idiot here will send you your print. Sigh…


The birthday weekend started with a trip to BuskerFest, to wander a little, avoid performances and get funnelcake. And we had a blast – the funnelcake was a bit contributor to this, but we also came and went before the performances really got going, so hardly any frustrations marred the day..

We had a lovely welcome


Saw lots of balloon art

Met a pirate

and some mermaids

goofed around

And then we experienced a bit of a reversal of roles. Because that’s when the ants came. Not just any ants – these had a herder. And all of a sudden, I felt very small

Photo by David

my neighbourhood was invaded by something entirely unexpected

we even found their nest

and I’m not sure they were happy about that…

It was a great start to a wonderful weekend. I’m even (sort of) looking forward to next year. But that might be a hankering for funnelcake speaking…

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