
In Which I Ask for Your Vote

I’ve been known to say that being Danish-Canadian gives me a double whammy of reticence and self effacement, so imagine I’m twisting myself into a pretzel as I’m writing thisl. However! I am apparently not self-effacing enough.

I’m nominated for the 2010 Canadian Blog Awards in the Best Chronic Illness Blog category. Should you feel that I deserve your endorsement, please consider casting your vote. You can access the categories here and supposedly, I should be able to embed the category here so you can vote without having to click around.  You can vote once every 24 hours until October 26.

It worked! 

As they used to say in the Bartles and Jaymes commercials, thank you for your support.

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  1. Andrew on October 21, 2010 at 5:10 am

    May the votes come rolling your direction!

  2. Trevor on October 22, 2010 at 2:33 am

    I loved those commercials.