

“what am I doing with a blog?
– me, 1 year ago

In the midst of the insanity that was last week, I remembered that it was getting towards my blogiversary and made a mental note to start thinking about what to write for the day. Just thinking, mind you – I knew the day was sometime in the third week of May, so I had lots of time. Lots! A few days later, it occurred to me to check the date – I believe in planning ahead. Gulp. May 6. Right, then. Yes, I know it’s May 8 today. I was abducted by aliens. Really.

Anyway… it’s a year later. 170 posts later. I may have figured out what to do with a blog.

This has been a place to share my words and photographs. It’s been a place to share opinions, reactions, growth and laughs. The little and the big in my life. One biggie was a new love – or rather, two. When you find a new love, you want to shout it from the rooftops, but I’ve discovered that a blog is even better. Not only can you rabbit on endlessly about your beloved, but you can also infect a host of others. Who knew the Tinks would have a fanclub before they were even born? As promised, here are my lovies on their first television appearance.

this is where the picture would be if Blogger would get off its arse and upload it. Check back later for the Tink Fix.

My favourite part of blogging is the community it creates. By following the trail of comments and emails, I’ve been allowed to share the lives of others. I’ve met new people, made new friends. It still blows my mind how close you can get to someone half a world away, solely through words.

It’s been a hell of a ride and I can’t wait to see where we go next. Thank you for reading.

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