Whoa, Nellie!
When I first started this blog, the thrill of seeing my words on a web page was enough to make me a little woozy – hey, being public is close to being published, innit? Then my friends and family commented and that was very exciting. I mean, some of them even read it every day! (I clearly excite easily – it makes life more fun) My inner Attention Slut was very happy. For while. Then the shameless hussy started wanting more…
Yesterday, the Harlot linked to me and all of a sudden even Ms. A.S. is a little overwhelmed. I figured out how to put a counter on the site and felt even more light-headed. It’s a more than a smidge freaky to have hundreds of people reading your site. Yesterday, I rode the Harlot’s coattails and thoroughly enjoyed it. Today? Tomorrow? Here’s hoping that some of you will stick around. The desire to be Terribly Scintillating is enough to send me to Tuscany immediately. Or a straitjacket. The jury’s still out.
The good news is that I have learned how to post a picture (thanks Ken). The bad news is that I, too, am not crazy with the comment section in Blogger – I can’t reply back using a commenter’s email, so I can’t give you all quite the individual and/or private attention I’d like. On the other hand, with Blogger, I don’t spend a lot of time tearing out my hair while I attempt to do HTML. I’m not sure I have the kind of head that looks good bald, so I’m staying put for a while. Luckily, I have the attention span of a gnat, so who knows? I might get myself a “real” blog some day. Perhaps I should look into wigs, just to be prepared…
Thank you all for coming and commenting. Here’s some more spring to celebrate.
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Au contraire, Women of a Certain Age (never fear, I’m sure you’re of An Uncertain Age) Writing HTML may be a new sitcom. I think people check the Athena Book Shop website the way they watch the Indy 500 — for the crashes. (Blowing away the frames on the front page so that it was literary cubism, nose under left ear, was my finest hour so far.) — rams
I am on blogger also but I use Haloscan for my comments. I find it much easier to work with.
We come because of the Harlot link, but we stay because of the evocative writing. Fear not.
Steph links can be scary things. She did it to me three days into my blog. My advice is to write exactly the same way you did before you knew people were listening. Your writing is wonderful.
hey there,what a beautiful shot. love the shape and colour of the tree. I look forward to my morning break, coffee in hand to read your invocative, scintillating, thought provoking writing.you can send the money to my home address…..