

It’s occurred to me that it’s time to have some fun and these days, I tend to involve The Hen in the fun, either by playing games with her ever-increasing girth or some other sort of interaction with The Tinks.

At the same time, ‘tis the season for giving back and although I am already a MSF partner (check it out – easily some of the best bang for your buck anywhere), I like doing a little extra. This year, the recipient is an easy one: the hospital that’s taking such good care of Liam and Morgan (although they could feed The Hen better).

So here’s the idea:

Guess the date/time of The Tinks’ entry into this world and write it in the comments. One guess per person and if the date/time you want is taken, think of a new one. The person who comes closest (in the immortal words of Bob Barker), “without going over”, wins. If you win, I make a donation to the hospital in your name.

One more rule: the doctors have determined the 34-week mark as the “magic date” where they’d be somewhat comfortable with the kids making an appearance. Therefore, no guesses before December 6 will be accepted.

People with an unfair advantage – me, TinkMama, TinkPapa and mormor (that’s Danish for grandma) – are ineligible to play.

Good luck!

Late note: don’t forget the time of day in your guess.

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