
February Happies

The antibiotics seemed to have started working around Tuesday – after a week, mind you – which is when I got up enough energy to do some paperwork I’d been avoiding with rather spectacular dilligence. Amazing how many things accumulate if you turn your back for a second. Okay, so it was more are like a week or two, but I swear, it procreates in the dark. And then there was all the other cra… er, things I’d neglected, leading to (so far) three days of being highly productive at top speeds (which naturally has caused me to by evening being capable of nothing but sitting and drooling. So attractive).

I’m still not thinking too much – although inroads have been made, the cement and my brain are currently cohabitating in my skull – so consider today’s post as slowly ramping up to full speed. I’ve been thinking – pardon me, attempting to think – that, as the past couple of weeks have been spent most decidedly in Cranky Land, a perfect way of celebrating a return to pseudo-health would be a reinstatement of the monthly Happies post. So with no further ado, these are the things that make me happy:

Having my brain back. You have no idea.

Having a blog where you can shamelessly troll for sympathy when feeling like death warmed over. Thanks for all the good wishes!

Winter’s back. Yes, I know that this sounds like I’ve gone from cranky to crazy, but listening to birds chirping a Spring chorus outside my open window, having lunch on patios, reading in the park and popping out to the store in nothing but a light sweater in JANUARY have, despite also making me very happy, simultaneously freaked me out on a constant basis with worry about the state of the planet. Besides, I missed scenes like this:

Reading a book that takes me on a trip through Europe, with fantastic detail, atmosphere and suspense. Some people have opined that it moves too slowly, but I love the way it takes its time in the grand tradition of historians and gothic novels and slowly, ever so slowly builds the tension without you being quite aware of biting your nails. It makes me want to do nothing but read and I’m only a quarter of the way into it.

What makes you happy today?

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