Blog Articles by Month: May 2006

Tinks Appearance & Misc Update

For the Tink Freaks™ (we so need t-shirts) out there: TinkPapa will be volunteering this Sunday (May 7) as part of the CHTV telethon to raise money for the McMaster Children’s Hospital. TinkMama and the Tinks will be making an appearance, as well, so the whole family can tell their story. John’s on air between…

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Very Yellow Van

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Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition

So, Friday. It had been a bit of a week, but I had paid my bills, finally finished some work (before the deadline! Ok, just before. Almost as ‘just’ as you can get – nervewracking, that was) and was so ready for the weekend. I started things out by getting my hair cut (was resembling…

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