Blog Articles by Month: July 2006

A Weekend Miscellany

Having Dinner, Being Dinner. The weekend started early, Thursday evening, to be precise. I am not including it in the weekend because I took Friday off, but for the purposes of being at least mildly entertaining in this post. Ken and I went to dinner and after the kitchen obliterated my grilled salmon into a…

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Books That Changed Who I Am

Updated September 26, 2024 In September of 1973, I was 11 years old and admitted to the only rehab hospital in Denmark that handled kids with arthritis (and kids and adults with any other rehabilitation needs). To say that it was an awful place is an understatement, but there weren’t any other options. I cried…

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Mojo In Macro

The fuzzy feet are for Barbara or rather, for her Thomas, who also is somewhat hirsute around the paws…

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Nasty Boys

This past week, I accidentally had myself a small film festival, the theme of which can best described as ‘Nasty Boys’. Something that delicious naturally deserves a review. The Matador. This is Pierce Brosnan’s Anti-Bond, the exact opposite of suave, elegant, principled Good Guy. Brosnan plays a hitman, quickly on his way to a bad…

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Tight Squeeze

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I’ll Try To Keep It To A Minimum

In case you’ve missed it (I think I’ve only mentioned it once, maybe twice), Big Brother All-Stars has begun. This means that I have entered into my annual summer obsession with watching complete strangers, about whom I have strong opinions, locked in a hamster cage. A cage that this year looks like a 70s decorating…

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I Can See Clearly Now

I’ve been thinking about writing a post for a while. It was going to go something like this: I feel like I’m two people. One of me is working very hard to become positive, remain open to possibility and look at what I have instead of what I don’t have – after all, the only…

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Reason #547 I Love Living Downtown

On Friday , I was sitting at my desk in front of the open window, enjoying the sounds of early evening – birds, laughing kids, the icecream truck – when I heard the sound of muffled drums. This is not a normal occurrence around here, so I looked out the window. Couldn’t see anything, other…

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Say What?

The first time I tried a voice-activated program to write (dictating instead of typing) was years ago, when Ken – who consistently manages to solve my technological problems before I quite know I have them – gave me a program called VoiceXpress. Learning to use it was a bit of an uphill battle. At the…

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Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

I’ve just finished reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke (also available in paperback). I read the reviews quite a while ago and was looking forward to reading it, although a bit hesitant as it is almost 800 pages (which translates to over 36 hours in audio format) – that’s a big investment…

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