Blog Articles About Book Club

Book Review: Ghost Boy

Martin Pistorius was 12 years old when he got sick. Over the next year, he gradually lost function of his body, his speech, and his mind. The doctors did not know what was wrong with him, but treated him for a bit of everything with no effect. At the end, they told his parents that…

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Book Review: Joyland

It’s been forever since I posted a book review and I’m not quite sure why. It’s not that I haven’t read good books — I have and plenty of them — but every time I finished a book worthy of a review, several days would pass in a flurry of work stuff and the moment…

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Book Review: Abigail Adams

I never had an answer to the question that gets sent around in e-mail every now and again. You know the one – “if you could choose any person from history to talk to for an hour, who would it be?” Everybody wants to talk to Buddha, Jesus or JFK and I’ve no idea what…

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Books That Changed Who I Am

Updated September 26, 2024 In September of 1973, I was 11 years old and admitted to the only rehab hospital in Denmark that handled kids with arthritis (and kids and adults with any other rehabilitation needs). To say that it was an awful place is an understatement, but there weren’t any other options. I cried…

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Red-tiled roofs of white cottages peek up over the grass on dunes. There's An inset bok: "Review - A strand of pearls play a significant role in this book and I couldn’t help but feel that the book itself is akin to a strand of pearls." 5 stars

Lene’s Bookshelf: A Review of Leeway Cottage

Updated September 19, 2024 I just finished reading Leeway Cottage by Beth Gutcheon. I heard about it some place I can’t remember and given the theme of Denmark during World War II, I naturally had to read it. Unfortunately, the English audiobbok version is only available in abridged format, so my take on it will…

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