Blog Articles About Denmark

Thoughts of History and Hats: My Unlce Poul and Lessons on Nuance

Updated September 5, 2021 For several years, my uncle Poul — my mother’s brother — came to visit once a year. And it’s always fun. He has a seemingly inexhaustible store of really bad jokes…. hang on, here’s my favourite. It’s better told in person, so feel free to spread it around: You ask the innocent victim…

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Red-tiled roofs of white cottages peek up over the grass on dunes. There's An inset bok: "Review - A strand of pearls play a significant role in this book and I couldn’t help but feel that the book itself is akin to a strand of pearls." 5 stars

Lene’s Bookshelf: A Review of Leeway Cottage

Updated September 19, 2024 I just finished reading Leeway Cottage by Beth Gutcheon. I heard about it some place I can’t remember and given the theme of Denmark during World War II, I naturally had to read it. Unfortunately, the English audiobbok version is only available in abridged format, so my take on it will…

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