Blog Articles by Month: December 2006


Twelve years ago, I went with Janne to pick up her new baby, a tiny tabby kitten. The kitten was named Jag and grew into a gorgeous cat, with long striped fur and sooty back legs. Jag has been my sister’s faithful companion through the past 12 years, a constant presence when life upended and…

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A Tink Christmas

It appears that after merely a few days of puttering about doiung whatever I wanted has resulted in me going feral, as Stephanie calls it. It occurred to me this morning that it was Thursday – don’t laugh; awareness of what day it is was a huge step towards civilization – and that I have…

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Glædelig Jul!

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Every December, I’m reminded more so than usual of my roots. We may celebrate the same holiday on both sides of the pond, but we do so in very different ways and several times each December, someone will ask me to tell them about Christmas in Denmark. And so, I tell stories of waking up…

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A Whole New World

When I did my undergraduate degree, I had a bit of a reputation for being radical (so I discovered later). There were a bunch of political stickers on the back of my wheelchair and I possessed some fairly left-leaning opinions (I know – big surprise). The radical bit surprised me – when I lived in…

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How Sweet It Is

I never liked sweets much. Let me rephrase that, as it sounds as if I didn’t like candy. As a child (and still), I did/do like candy, but not the sweet kind. I went for the sour, the salty, the licorice that rips off the top layer of skin in your mouth (yum) and growing…

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Waiting for an Ornament

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Movie Memory Lane

I like watching movies more than once. Mind you, not all movies are worthy of repeatedly spending a few hours in their company, but there are some that I usually end up buying and watching once a year or so. While ‘on vacation’ at mor’s, we watched a couple of older favorites that both sent…

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December Moon

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In Mulder’s Footsteps

I have a theory. I’m not sure if it actually qualifies as a conspiracy theory worthy of investigation by the X-Files, but let’s pretend, shall we? This particular theory requires an excursion into both politics and religion and I gotta admit, there’s part of me that’s a little nervous about that, as these topics can…

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