

Twelve years ago, I went with Janne to pick up her new baby, a tiny tabby kitten. The kitten was named Jag and grew into a gorgeous cat, with long striped fur and sooty back legs.

Jag has been my sister’s faithful companion through the past 12 years, a constant presence when life upended and changed, at her side through it all.

Jag was always Janne’s cat and then he met John, who set out to win him over. And did so with charm, playtime and treats and in the end, Jag was Janne and John’s cat.

My sister’s first baby has been sick for a long time and was cared for with love and devotion, until the most loving act was to end his suffering. This morning, Jaggy was given peace.

We will miss him.

(photo by a JagParent)

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