Blog Articles by Month: January 2007


I dream of other places. Maybe that villa in Tuscany that I wrote about so long ago, thick walls cooling the inside of the house, while the heat of the sun caresses the gardens and the fields of sunflowers beyond. Or, staying on this side of the pond, a cabin somewhere, almost in the wilderness….

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Slated for Demolition

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Much Too Much

I have to stop paying quite so much attention to the news. For medicinal reasons. The following is a short list of fairly recent news stories that I can’t get out of my head: 2006 was declared the hottest year in Britain since 1659.One of the six ancient ice shelves remaining in the Canadian Arctic…

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Broken Record

I’m going to repeat myself today, probably at great length and hopefully in a way that is just different enough that I don’t bore you senseless. Today, prompted by this entry on Go Fug Yourself, I’m going to rail against the thin (rail… thin… oh, ha-ha!). I, too, watched the Golden Globe’s awards on Monday…

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Mirror World

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Who’d Have Thunk It?

I never thought I’d say this but… I miss winter. And now I will be considerate and have a brief pause before moving on, in order to allow for those among you who have known me for a while and who are undoubtedly gobsmacked at the moment, to catch your breath and pinch yourself. Imagine…

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Midterm Report

I don’t know about you, but I need an antidote. Something light and fluffy and superficial. So I’m going to follow up on a post I wrote at the beginning of the television season and delight (?) you yet again with my TV opinions Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. I’m still watching, I’m still…

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Red Berries, Yellow Wall

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Taking It On the Chin

Just before Christmas, I wrote about how excited I was in to find an online community of people with disabilities that reflected the spectrum of what real people are like. I also talked about how I was going to be reading and catching up with what was going on out there and how much I…

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One of my favorite things about the holidays is celebrating by getting together with people I love, especially the people of the younger persuasion. This week, I have had meals with three outstanding members of my chosen family who, despite being of different ages and having different life experiences, have one startlingly brilliant quality in…

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In Defense of Romance Novels

Between ages of 11 and 16, I was hospitalized more often than I was home and although I did read many, many books, in the later years of my “sentence”, I devoured romance novels. If you’ve ever been in the hospital, you know why: it’s impossible to concentrate in such a place and what little…

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