
Share the Love Contest

Today’s my birthday. We shall gloss over exactly which birthday it is, as I’m not yet sure how I feel about this particular number. I’ve spent the week being very aware of the way mortality’s looming on the horizon and considering various and sundry ways of indulging in a middle-aged crisis – colouring my hair blue, going on an indefinite road trip with loud tunes, man, have looked droolingly at severally yummy cars and done likewise to what can only be described as boytoys (toyboys? The fact that I’m uncertain as to the terminology probably means I should reconsider the latter). By tomorrow, I’ll ignore my age until next year’s middle-aged crisis (I hope), but today, we’re putting the focus firmly – and exclusively – on the birthday rather than the number. Besides, what’s in a number? It’s so inconsequential we don’t even have to talk about it…

Anyway! To aid in the celebration, I remembered the old adage that it’s better to give than to receive and in a theme of what appears to be a week long revolt against the vile definition of love mentioned in Monday’s post, this one’s going to be about sharing the love. Your assignment, should you choose to enter the contest, is as follows:

Leave a comment describing the best birthday you ever had.

Yes, I know – the set-up hinted at something much more complicated, but in honor of my advancing years, we’re going to keep it real simple. Winner gets a 8×10 print of their choice selected from my Flickr page (note to Michelle, the winner of my last contest, who had the excellent taste to pick the one picture that isn’t digital and therefore has been patiently waiting for me to get the damn print developed and sent to her: I haven’t forgotten about you).

Contest closes Sunday evening at 6 p.m., winner to be selected in some random manner and announced Monday.

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