
Mojo Update & Mercury Retrograde Comes Early

Thanks for all the lovely comments and thoughts for Mojo and me on Friday’s post. Having this many people pulling for her seems to have obliged Her Royal Catness to do well and so far, so good. The colonoscopy was clear, the surgery went well and they were able to get the mass with 1cm margins with no apparent effect on bodily functions – a very cheerful Australian vet told me on Saturday that you only need half of your anus to be continent. Not just good news considering how much time the wee beastie spends on my bed, but also an absolutely fascinating piece of trivia, no? Mojo’s staying until she doesn’t need painkillers or major medical care and will hopefully be home in a few days. Pathology results later this week – continued crossing of appendages would be much appreciated.

As for the Mercury Retrograde thing… Thursday, my shoulders went ballistic, Friday, my microphone went to its reward after many years of dedicated service and the combination of the two means I can’t write. At all. Fabulous. I have two other microphones and Friday evening, Ken tried to get things going. One sort of worked – not well, but well enough that I should’ve been able to meet my deadline (today – eek!). David tried Saturday, adding an extra mic options, same results. On Sunday, nothing worked at all and by the time I finally figured something out, my shoulders were so messed up, I need to step away from the computer for several days. Icepacks and codeine call. As for the deadline… well. Luckily, I have an understanding editor.

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