Blog Articles by Month: January 2010


How do you go back to normal? At some point, it’s essential to trip into life again, because getting lost and staying there does no honour to the one who is gone, instead, you must live on and carry them with you into that life. But how?? How do you pretend at work or the…

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Almost all of us have one. Someone we grew up with, were friends with since forever. Someone who knows us better than anyone else because they were there during the hard years, the good times and the really awkward teenage years. Someone who’ll keep your secrets, the person you can call in the middle of…

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Wonder Drugs for the Wonder Cat

About 10 days ago, Mojo the Wonder Cat had her first chemo treatment and it went remarkably well. We thought. Due to a miscommunication – because Mercury is retrograde after all and boy, has that ever packed a punch this time around – I didn’t fast her, which means she couldn’t get sedated for the…

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The Tale of the Muffins

Yesterday, it was David’s birthday and before I go on, I’ll take it brief pause to allow you to sing misc. birthday songs in the comment box, should you be so inclined That was lovely. Well, except for the one that was as off-key as my own rendition. Still, it’s about the enthusiasm with which…

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11 Things You Should Know about RA

This month, we’re going back to basics on MyRACentral: “1. We Don’t Know What Causes Rheumatoid ArthritisThese days, much more is known about RA, especially the process that leads to developing the disease – a combination of a genetic predisposition, abnormally autoimmune response and environmental or biologic triggers. However, how it all comes together and…

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A Matter of Perspective

When I was younger, I kept a diary. Or journal – is there a difference? Do they just call it journaling to make it sound less adolescent so adults can do it, too? Regardless, it’s what I did. I had a shelf near my dining room table where there were books and books of my…

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Still & Cold

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Wish Upon

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Book Review: Under the Dome

It took me almost 4 weeks, but I’ve finished Stephen King’s doorstep latest novel Under the Dome: A Novel (and then it took me an additional four weeks to get around to writing a review – what can I say, December was a little nuts). A whopper at 1,100 pages – which translates into 34.5…

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Would You be Blue?

Like so many others, I am fairly fresh from seeing Avatar and aside from wanting to see it again and preferably on a bigger screen and in 3-D, it made me think. Particularlythe part about Jake, the paralyzed protagonist who is given the chance to use his body again in a 10-foot tall blue-skinned avatar…

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