Blog Articles by Month: August 2010

Of Two Minds

It all started on Tuesday when I went to the Market to do some shopping. As I was making my way out again, a busload of tourists was disembarking and several of them seem to find it difficult to remember what their mothers had told them about staring at the unfortunate. Apparently where they came…

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Ponderings about Mole Removal, a record of silly and meaningful thoughts while getting a mole removed. You see part of a woman in a aqua shirt, biting one arm of her glasses

Ponderings upon Mole Removal

Updated June 11, 2022 Once, I spent some time in an outpatient clinic waiting to have two moles removed. I’d been there before, in fact, it’s the remaining two moles of the triangle on my leg that now need to come off. Largely for preventative purposes, I think — the dermatologist was moving very quickly…

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