Sticks in Snow

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  1. AlisonH on January 22, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    There was a guy trying out for the Winter Olympics in archery, but there kept being mishaps during practices with his team because of bad weather, bad judgment, etc. And to top it off, to get to the final tryout they had to trudge down a road that hadn't been plowed, and he tripped, snapping his best piece of equipment. Finally, he exclaimed in frustration, Sticks in snow may break my bow but the Games will never hurt me!

  2. LynnM on January 23, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    Alison, I'd groan— if it weren't so good.

    My daughter had the first really snowy winter of her life.  We didn't take pretty snow pictures, though.

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