Blog Articles by Month: December 2010


It is my habit to write something thoughtful and pondering – although hopefully not ponderous – on the last day of the year, sort of summing up the theme of the past 12 months. This year, however, it could be argued that I’ve already done that – early this month, I wrote about finally getting…

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Progress in RA: A Decade of Hope

The annual review post. Yeah, I went there: “The new millennium started with the scare of Y2K – remember that? Everyone was convinced the sky would fall the minute the clock ticked over at New Year’s, but thankfully nothing happened. For people living with RA, the new millennium didn’t look much different, but the seeds…

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A Tink & Sadie Christmas

We have a new addition to the family! Sadie celebrated her first Christmas with us on Friday and was a terrific addition to the festivities. And just who is Sadie, you ask? Michele’s new Jack Russel-Corgi puppy Adorable – as Morgan said once or twice – and has a wonderful personality. We all had a…

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Glædelig Jul!

Wishes for the merriest of holidays to you and yours from Miss Lucy and myself.

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Do You Lose When You Gain?

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about learning to protect myself. About finally getting it. Finally acting in accordance with my alleged intelligence and bowing out of the celebrations for International Day for People with Disabilities because if I didn’t, there was a significant risk that I would lose several months of my life…

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In the News

There’s a reason I don’t pay too much attention to the news beyond scanning the headlines on a couple of articles a couple of times a day – wait, that actually sort of sounds as if I do pay attention to the news, but nevermind, the reason it doesn’t go much beyond that is that…

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Larger Than Life

Those of you who – breathlessly? – follow the ramblings that I call my tweets – know that I spent last weekend doing two things: working and watching Lawrence of Arabia. I found out that I tried watching it once before and that I’d only made it about 41 min. in before abandoning the effort….

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Just Sayin’

Dear Throng of Able-Bodied People Emerging from the Elevator like a Herd of Sardines Escaping from a Tightly Packed Barrel, I have no problems with you using the elevators, really I don’t. Especially parents of children in strollers, but the rest of you who feel compelled to use an elevator despite the close proximity of…

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It’s the first day of my 2-week vacation and I’m feeling silly. Hope you are, too. My comment box is your playground.  

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A Linguistic Discovery

When I lived in Denmark, I was a sort of linguistic chameleon. By which I mean that I had a habit of picking up the regional accent of whatever person I was speaking to. Saying it was a habit makes it sound as if it was on purpose. It wasn’t, just happened – I’d start…

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Lion’s Head


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Personal Growth

A week ago, something happened in my shoulder. I still haven’t been able to pinpoint the exact time or act that caused the calamity, but the end result was a majorly crapped out shoulder, neck and arm. Complete with buzzing in certain fingers, jolts of sharp pain in my thumb and a seized-up neck, shoulder…

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